Training online
Finance Reporting Update: a one-day course at a high level comparing IFRS & FRS 102 (UK GAAP) in core accounting and financial reporting areas
Kategoria: Online Rachunkowość/Controlling/Finanse, Online SSC/GBS
A one-day course at a high level comparing IFRS & FRS 102 (UK GAAP) in core accounting and financial reporting areas.
9.00 – 9.10
Introduction to training
Timescales and Logistics
Facilitator explains domestics, logistics and objectives.
9.10 – 9.20
Application of IFRS and FRS 102 / FRS 101
Brief discussion about which entities apply the various accounting frameworks. FRS 102 is effectively the successor to UK GAAP. FRS 101 is based on IFRS but with reduced disclosure.
9.20 – 10.20
IAS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements and comparison to FRS 102
Facilitated discussion about a compliant set of financial statements under IAS 1, materiality, disclosure of significant judgements and assumptions. Comparison to FRS 102.
Brief presentation on IFRS 18 replacing IAS 1 in 2027 including description of the changes.
10.20 – 10.40
IAS 10 – Events after the Reporting Period
Facilitated discussion about adjusting and non-adjusting events and the appropriate accounting treatment. Comparison to FRS 102.
Group exercise to illustrate examples and ensure understanding.
10.40 – 10.55
IAS 8 – Accounting Policies, estimates and errors
Presentation about the definition of an accounting policy and accounting estimate and how to account for a change in both. Discussion of how to account for material prior period errors. Comparison to FRS 102
10.55 – 11.10
11.10 – 12.00
IAS 16 – Property, Plant & Equipment
Discussion about the basics of accounting for PPE including initial recognition and measurement, subsequent measurement, depreciation, revaluation and derecognition. Comparison to FRS 102
Group exercise to ensure understanding.
12.00 – 12.45
IAS 38 – Intangible Assets
Presentation and discussion about all the main accounting issues associated with Intangible Assets, including recognition, amortisation and the different accounting treatment for research and development costs. Comparison to FRS 102
Group exercise on accounting for research and development costs.
12.45 – 1.45
1.45 – 2.35
IFRS 15 – Revenue
Presentation and discussion on the 5-step model for recognising revenue under IFRS 15. Worked examples. Discussion of presentation issues eg Contract Assets / Liabilities. Group exercise.
Comparison to FRS 102
2.35 – 2.50
IAS 2 – Inventories
Presentation about accounting for inventory including cost formulas, measurement of inventory, inclusion of overheads and inventory obsolescence.
Comparison to FRS 102
2.50 – 3.05
3.05 – 3.20
IAS 19 – Employee Benefits
Presentation about accounting for different types of employee benefits including short term and termination benefits. Brief discussion on retirement benefits. Comparison to FRS 102.
3.20 – 4.20
IAS 37 – Provisions
Presentation and discussion on accounting for provisions, difference between provisions and contingent liabilities, contingent assets, onerous contracts and restructuring provisions. Comparison to FRS 102.
Group exercises to ensure understanding.
4.20 – 4.30
Course Summary and Course Close
Recap of key points from the day, Q&A, and course close
Price: 1590 zł + 23% VAT
Price includes:
Participation in classes, training materials, certificate.
Place of training:
Online trainings (MS Teams)
9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Do you have any questions?
Please, don’t hesitate to contact with us.
Paulina Barwicka
22 208 28 23