Szkolenie online
Legal english negotiating contract, mediations and negotiations

Cena: 1490 + 23% VAT

Kategoria: , ,

Czas trwania: 1 dzień
Cena: 1490 + 23% VAT
Szczegółowy plan

To whom it refers

The course is for lawyers, legal assistants and people who work with different types of (not only legal) documents and for those who take part while negotiations and mediations.

The aim of training

The aim of this course is to become familiar with tools and techniques used while negotiations and mediations. Moreover, participants will become familiar with the structure of different types of legal documents and will be sensitized to the most common traps and misleading information in them.

The programme of training

MODULE I – Introduction to legal english

1. Useful words and phrases

2. Confusing legal terms

3. Legal naming (judge, barrister, advocate, etc.)

4. Differences between UK, US, European and Polish law (structure of court, law, jurisdiction, etc)

5. Ridiculous and funny laws around the world

6. Case study

MODULE II – Contracts

1. Types of contracts

2. The structure of contracts and agreements (chosen examples)

3. Forming a contract and agreement

4. Contracts remedies

5. Assignment and third party rights

6. Confusing legal vocabulary in contracts (hereinafter, hereto, aforementioned, etc.)

7. Case study

MODULE III – Negotations

1. Preparing to negotiations (strategy, goals, bottom line, etc.)

2. Negotiable instruments

3. Negotiation Style

4. Developing the Business Opportunity

5. Progressing Negotiations

6. From Agreed Terms to Binding Contract

7. The Softer Side of Negotiation

8. Useful phrases (persuasive language)

9. Tools and techniques

MODULE IV – Medations

1. Preparing and Running a Mediation

2. Overview of the Mediation Process

3. Preparing the Parties and Yourself

4. Connect, Trust and Entrust: the Relationship with the Parties

5. Starting Off: Opening the Mediation

6. Ploughing the Ground: Exploring Issues and Interests

7. Hammering Out a Deal: Helping Parties Negotiate

8. Getting it Over the Line: Reaching Settlement

9. Skills, Emotions and Ethics

10. Communication Skills

11. The Mediator’s Emotions

12. Ethics in Mediation

MODULE V – Practical exercises and case studies

Organizational aspects

Price: 1490 + 23% VAT

The price includes:

• access to the platform during the training

• original training materials

• certificate.

Each participant must have a computer or other mobile device with a built-in speaker (optional camera and microphone) and Internet access.

The above mentioned equipment does not oblige you to share your image, it is necessary for you to actively participate in the training.

Class hours

Training: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m

9:30 start oflogging in by the participants 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. training breaks are scheduled during the training, which will be determined as required during the course with the lecturer

Masz pytania? Chętnie odpowiemy.

Anna Niedziółka
22 208 28 26

Monika Sokołowska
22 162 78 24

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