Purchasing Academy – Operational Purchaser
Kategoria: Business Skills, Online Business Skills, Online SSC/GBS, Szkolenia SSC/GBS
Training carried out on individual customer’s request
The Purchasing Academy is a dedicated training program designed for professionals in the field of procurement. It focuses comprehensively on the specifics of the Purchasing Department, a crucial element of any organization. In the context of procurement negotiations, which are unique compared to sales processes, the training provides practical knowledge and tools essential for effective functioning in this business area. It offers a hands-on approach to the challenges commonly encountered by the Purchasing Department, supporting participants in achieving success in a dynamic procurement environment.
In market research, participants will acquire the ability to effectively utilize modern methods such as data analysis, artificial intelligence, and automation of information-gathering processes. The training enables understanding of how these tools influence effective procurement decision-making.
Supplier relationship management is another key element of the program. Participants will learn how to evaluate and classify suppliers, monitor their performance, and identify potential risks. Additionally, the program emphasizes negotiation strategies that support building sustainable, long-term partnerships with suppliers and creating flexible backup supplier networks.
The training is aimed at employees of the Purchasing Department, particularly those involved in procurement processes and collaboration with suppliers. It is intended for individuals who conduct market research, negotiate procurement terms with suppliers, and analyze and evaluate suppliers in their daily work.
Participant benefits:
• Understanding the role of the Purchasing Department as a link between logistics, sales, and finance.
• Enhancing communication skills with internal business partners.
• Learning negotiation techniques tailored to the Purchasing Department and effective communication in the context of negotiations and supplier relationship management.
• Gaining concrete solutions for handling manipulations.
• Introducing methods for supplier evaluation and performance monitoring.
• Learning modern market research methods using AI.
• Focusing on creating flexible backup supplier networks.
Procurement Negotiations, Pricing, Communication with Internal and Supplier Business Partners
Module I: The Function of the Purchasing Department in the Organization
• The role of a Purchasing Department employee as a link between logistics, sales, and finance.
• How to find common ground with internal business partners while maintaining individual goals and KPIs.
• Negotiations with internal partners.
Module II: Procurement Negotiations as a Distinct Process
• Significant differences between sales negotiations and procurement negotiations that affect the process and outcomes. What negotiation techniques do purchasers choose?
• Building the strength and advantage of a procurement negotiator.
• Preparation for supplier negotiations.
• Negotiation strategies used in procurement during price negotiations.
Module III: Assertiveness and Communication in Procurement Negotiations
• Assertiveness in the context of negotiations.
• Effective persuasive communication using language of persuasion and influence.
• Dealing with manipulation.
Supplier Relationship Management, Supplier Classification, Modern Market Research
Module I: Supplier Evaluation
• Identifying criteria for supplier evaluation.
• Developing a scoring or assessment system that enables objective analysis of various aspects of collaboration with local and foreign suppliers.
• Discussion of tools and methods used for supplier evaluation, such as audits, surveys, or monitoring key indicators. How to evaluate suppliers from the Far East market?
• Monitoring supplier performance.
• Identifying potential supplier-related risks.
Module II: Supplier Relationship Management
• Discussing negotiation strategies that enable building long-term partnership relationships with suppliers.
• Developing a system for creating backup supplier networks. Communication and collaboration.
Module III: Modern “Market Research” in Procurement
• Overview of modern trends and innovative approaches in market research, such as artificial intelligence, big data analysis, or wearable technologies.
• Automation of data collection processes, including web scraping and online sentiment analysis.
Training carried out on individual customer’s request.
We invite you to contact us
Paulina Barwicka
tel. 22 208 28 23 | kom. 501 562 921