Online training
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS / IAS) – 6-days training

Cena: 4990 PLN + 23% VAT

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Czas trwania: 6 days
Cena: 4990 PLN + 23% VAT
Szczegółowy plan


IAS 2 „Inventory”. Classification of inventories in the balance sheet, cost of acquiring inventories, determining the cost of manufacturing (separation of fixed and variable costs, determining the „reasonable” part of indirect costs), recognizing the purchase of inventories with a significantly deferred payment date, recognition of the cost of manufacturing in the profit and loss account, inventory valuation as at the balance sheet date, impairment of inventories and its recognition.


IAS 16 „Fixed assets”. Assets classified as fixed assets, the cost of purchasing a fixed asset, recognition of the cost of dismantling a fixed asset, recognition of the purchase of a fixed asset with significantly deferred payment, determination of the cost of a fixed asset financed with a government subsidies, recognition of subsequent expenditures on a fixed asset (repairs and replacement of parts), valuation of assets fixed assets as at the balance sheet date, revaluation of fixed assets – recognition and principles of revaluation, principles of correct depreciation of fixed assets (determining the useful life, selection of depreciation methods, depreciation using the production units method, depreciation by components, periodic depreciation verification), leasing of a fixed asset to the lessee (in accordance with IFRS 16), the recognition of a fixed asset held for sale (in accordance with IFRS 5).



IAS 38 „Intangible fixed assets”. Criteria for recognizing intangible assets, determining the cost of acquiring an intangible asset, recognizing of self developped intangible fixed assets (research and development costs – R&R), valuation of intangible assets as at the balance sheet date, useful life and amortization of intangible assets.

IAS 40 „Investment properties”.
When should investment properties be classified as an investment property – definitione of investment property? Valuation of investment properties as at the balance sheet date (valuation at cost versus valuation at fair value – the importance of the choice of accounting policy), reclassification of investment properties, valuation of investment properties in the event of reclassification.


IAS 23 „External financing”


IAS 36 „Impairment of assets”. Steps of the impairment test procedure, evidence of impairment, determination of the recoverable amount in impairment tests, measurement and recognition of impairment losses and „restoration” of value for a single asset, cash generating units, measurement and recognition of impairment losses for cash-generating units (CGUs).

IAS 37 „Provisions”. Conditions for recognizing a provision, valuation of provisions in various situations (warranty obligations, obligations to dismantle a fixed asset, valuation of provisions and the time value of money).

Changes in estimates, changes in accounting policy and adjustment of errors in accordance with IAS 8.



Financial instruments IFRS 9 and IAS 32: identification of financial instruments and classification of loans, shares, other investments units, bonds, bills of exchange and receivables for the purposes of measurement, initial and balance sheet measurement of financial assets: use of amortized cost and fair value, recognition of revaluations: financial result and capital (other comprehensive income), initial and balance sheet valuation of financial liabilities, derivative instruments – recognition and valuation and their use in hedge accounting.

IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates: functional currency, selection of rates to convert transactions and balances, initial and balance sheet recognition of foreign currency items, rules for converting Items into functional currencies, recognition of exchange differences; converting the entire financial statement into a different currency.



IAS 19 „Employee Benefits”: the most important requirements for the recognition of employee benefits.


IFRS 2 „Share based payments”: basic description of the standard.


IAS 12 “Income taxes”: positive temporary differences, negative temporary differences, provisions for deferred income tax, assets for deferred income tax, valuation of provisions and assets for deferred income tax, offsetting assets and provisions.

IAS 10 „Subsequent events”: definition and types of events after the balance sheet date, examples of events after the balance sheet date that require and non-adjustments.

IFRS 13 „Fair value”
: definition of fair value, techniques for estimating fair value – income, market and cost approaches, hierarchy of data used to determine the fair value.



IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers: recognition and measurement of revenues from various sales of products and the provision of services.


IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements: balance sheet – presentation requirements, structure, basic items (including equity). Preparation and presentation of the income statement and statement of comprehensive income (including presentation of discontinued operations in accordance with IFRS 5). Preparation and presentation of the statement of changes in equity in line with the. Cash flow statement according to IAS 7 – the most important differences compared to Polish solutions. Principles of preparing notes (additional information) to the financial statements – examples of selected disclosures (IFRS 7, IAS 16, etc.).


IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting: an interim financial report, the minimum content of an interim financial report, selected explanatory notes, periods for which an interim report is required to be presented.


IFRS 3 „Business Combinations”: identification of a business combination – acquisition of (business) ventures versus acquisition of a group of assets, application of the acquisition method (including: determination of the payment transferred and its relation to the purchase price of shares, identification, measurement and recognition of assets and liabilities of the acquired entity (venture), valuation of non-controlling interests on the moment of initial recognition, recognition of goodwill (total or acquired) or profit on a bargain purchase), mergers under uniform control – application of the acquisition method, pooling of interests method or other method,


IFRS 8 „Operating segments”: obligated entities and obliging situations to disclose information about the reporting entity’s operating segments, the scope of general disclosures about the reporting entity’s operating segments. disclosure of information about the profit (loss) of segments, their assets and liabilities, disclosure of information on the methods of measuring profit or loss of segments and determining the value of their assets and liabilities, the scope and form of disclosures about the reporting entity as a whole.


Consolidated reporting (IAS 27, IAS 28, IFRS 10, IFRS 11, IFRS 12): capital group as a reporting entity – definitions and reporting requirements according to IFRS and the regulations of the Accounting Act, the concept of control, joint control and significant influence, application of the acquisition method (IFRS 3) in the preparation of consolidated financial statements, the essence of the full consolidation method and the equity method, investment recognition in subordinated entities held for sale, multi-stage acquisitions and acquisition of additional shares in subsidiaries, other operations on non-controlling interests, recognition of the effects of loss of control, the impact of transactions between related entities and their elimination or inclusion in consolidation procedures.

IAS 24 „Related party disclosures”:
general requirements for the presentation of information about related parties, identification of related parties (parties), related parties (IAS 24) and subsidiaries (IFRS 10, IFRS 11 and IAS 28), relations between IAS 24 and IFRS 12.


Price: 4990 PLN + 23% VAT

Price includes:

Participation in classes, training materials, certificate.

Place of training: 

Online trainings (MS Teams)

Date and hours of training


Session 1: 30-31.10.2025
Session 2: 20-21.11.2025
Session 3: 4-5.12.2025

Hours: 10 am – 4 pm

Do you have any questions?
Please, don’t hesitate to contact with us.

Norbert Saks
22 208 28 85

Joanna Domaszewska
22 208 28 28


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